Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2011

Integro Manifest english


Eugen von Hoffen, the founder of INTEGRO Internacional, which shall henceforth be known as “the organization,“ was arbitrarily sentenced to a long prison term by the courts of Liechtenstein, and his family robbed of their honor and their wealth. The time that Eugen von Hoffen unjustly served in prison opened his eyes to the injustices in the world and the precious value of democracy and consequently, how fragile democracy is. Eugen von Hoffen realized that democracy cannot be taken for granted and that it needs to be defended more than any other form of government. Moreover, he realized that it is subject to constant change.  Eugen von Hoffen has been fully rehabilitated by the unanymous verdict of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France in July 2006!

Brave people are needed to continue our forefathers’ great fight for freedom and justice... that fight for freedom and justice that so many people fought before us and on our behalf, at risk of their own lives, and in which many lost their lives fighting for our freedom and justice. We want to keep their memory alive, and assure that the freedoms for which they fought are preserved for us and our descendents. We want to keep on fighting to make sure that democracies everywhere remain alert at all times, so that individual freedom is not restricted any further. The Court of Justice in Nuremberg held over the Germans, the justice of victory manifested the right of the individual before the public interest.
Benjamin Franklin once said, "He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither."
We want to fight for justice because justice is an important requirement for peace in a society. We want to fight so that the individual fighting for personal justice is not abandoned.
It is only through mobilizing the powers of freedom, through political discussion and through a conscious cooperation on everyone’s part, that the danger to our democratic rights can be recognized and banished. It is not in humankind’s interests to bring about its own destruction through inaction, lack of interest and indifference. 
We wish to admonish, so that freedom will be cherished and defended as the most precious possession.
Democratic-thinking and acting people are uniting in our movement so that our hard won democratic rights are never restricted or even lost again. These people are forming the new nobility of democracy, which should serve as a role model and protection for all humankind.
Freedom has no substance if it is not rooted in democracy and social freedom.
We stand for rationality, freedom, justice, humanity, democracy and self-determination.

Article 1
The organization upholds democracy. It respects the efforts that diligent politicians have made for democracy. It recognizes the important contribution of unions in the fight for freedom and justice. It respects democratic goals such as those of the European Union.
The organization sees its work as supporting the continuing democratization process, as a peaceful contribution within the framework of existing laws. It sees itself as vigilant and the custodian of democratic values.
The organization wants those who serve the state to know what sacred commodity, namely the freedom of the individual, is entrusted to their care.  
The organization is aware of the immeasurable suffering that the European people had to endure from their oppressors. The organization views the European people’s exhausting, bloody battle for freedom as a major requirement and qualification their role as pioneers of a democratic culture. The European people, with all of their positive and negative experiences, mistakes and suffering, can now breathe new life into the concepts of freedom and justice, tolerance and democracy.
The organization supports the well-fortified state, one that is able to defend itself from outside threats. However, it rejects the use of military power beyond the borders of the state. 

Article 2
Democracy, freedom and peace are inseperable. Under these concepts, we understand respect for other cultures and other religions, and we take peaceful coexistence to mean mutual respect among our sisters and brothers. We also want to see our culture and religion respected.
All European people have had to put up with oppression and despotism for a long time. The democratic freedoms that our forefathers had to fight for at the risk of their lives are the beginnings of a new order, a democracy which always must be improved upon. All of the struggling, suffering, tears and bloodshed that this has cost are expressed in our culture. And if we make sure that we don’t forget how difficult it was over the centuries to wrest these freedoms one by one from the hands of the ruling despots, until these dictators could ultimately be overthrown, we can also ensure that we will never lose sight of the perfection of democracy as the ultimate goal. And we will have to remain ever vigilant so that no future despots arise to take the places of the ones who were overthrown. 
In spite of their different cultures, the European people have established a political and economic union. These people have one thing in common: all of them have overcome despotism and oppression, have had to bear untold suffereings, and have been subjected to unbearable abuses by their rulers. These experiences, the strength of these people, give them the great opportunity, against the backdrop of economic inependence and strength, to set an example for the world, to peacefully convince people all over the world of democratic ideas by living their own lives in the example of true democracy. To a certain extent, Switzerland has always conveyed such an image.

Article 3
The organization is pursuing the goal of advancing democratization processes in democratic societies. It is analyzing social development. It is exploring new ways of improving democratic systems. It is doing research and making suggestions. But it just doesn’t deal with political isues. It does public work within the democratic system to motivate people to take part in the democratic process. It will also hold demonstrations if an overwhelming number of its members feels that a demonstration is in order.
The members of the organization take an active part in public life, they bring their concerns before the forum of the organization so that each member can take a direct, active part. Subjects that are ready to be pesented to political entities and/or a broader public are addressed by a committee who have been educated concerning each of the specific subjects. The committee consists of members and, if necessary, outside experts, wherein members of the organization should be given primary consideration.  Each member can be nominated for a committee. The number of committee members is established by the president and is based on the complexity of the assignment. The committee is self-sustaining, i.e., if there are more nominations for participation in the committee work than there are places available, the committee decides for itself by secret or public vote who will be selected.  The president reserves the right to elect the chairman of the committee only. 

Article 4
The organization is obligated to the freedom of all people. Everyone is completely and fully responsible for the condition of the world as a whole. The authority of the individual arises from this responsibility and this authority cannot be replaced by another authority. The organization advocates an “existence without fear.” In general, individual responsibility is based on the statement: “I have made out of the world what I am myself!”  People should perceive themselves in relation to others.
 According to Jean-Paul Sartre: In a democracy, all people must be sovereign. We want to make the rights and duties that come from this statement clear to everybody and work with them to put the use of these rights and duties to the test in everyday life. We are convinced that every citizen also has a responsibility for every duty that he or she has delegated to state officials and that the fulfillment of these duties also lies under his or her control. The power of the state comes from every individual, not from an anonymous collectivity.  
One of the state’s most important duties is a modern education system that guarantees everyone access to the best education possible, according to their individual abilities. Education is the key to individual freedom and independence. 

Article 5
The organization expressly emphasizes the equality of all people. It strives to include women in particular in the work of the organization. The democratic tenets of the organization do not permit patriarchal structures as they exist today. Whereas matriarchal structures have never led to the opression of men, patriarchal structures, however, have indeed led to the opression of women.
All throughout history, women have made the greatest contribution to the reconstruction and continuity of societies, e.g., when the men’s great war plans failed. We remember the “ruins women“ in particular. It is necessary to ensure women the right to voice their opinions as well as the right to veto, especially as far as their children and their families are concerned.
It is equally necessary for the stronger to stand by the weaker. It is only in this light that the concept of equal rights can be understood.

Article 6
The focus of the organization’s work is the interests of families and communities. Same sex partnerships are expressly affirmed. The right of self-determination for families and partnerships requires strengthening to the degree that the state and also a governing body such as the European Union have a say in family and partnership matters. The organization will work to assure that the interests of families and partnerships will be treated with the emphasis that they deserve in national affairs. Of foremost importance is that women should have a major role in family and society, and that the state has a special duty to guarantee the independance of women as mothers.

Article 7
The organization affirms federalist ideas and champions the reinforcement of the rights of self-determination on community and national levels. 

Article 8
The organization shall make efforts to maintain communications with those public offices that are in charge of these areas. As a lobbyist for families and partnerships, it will make a lasting commitment to represent the interests of families and partnerships.
To this end, the organization intends to establish permanent agencies locally and in other capital cities, as well as in Brussels.  

Article 9
The establishment of a political party is not the organization’s goal. It is politically independent and it is not associated with any particular creed, while at the same time it respects the religious heritage of all cultures.

Article 10
The organization shall open educational and training centers, which above all are to teach people about the cultural heritage of individual ethnic groups. The fight for democratic freedom shall be a theme of particular interest and not presented from the point of view of the ruling class, as it is in nearly all history books, but from that of the more than 90% underprivileged subjects or citizens. We want to make their inhuman fate known to our generation and future generations. Our goal for the future is to establish professorships, even perhaps our own university, an institution dedicated to presenting history as it really happened and to researching opportunities for advancing democracy. 

The organization intends to set up community centers that offer people the chance to stay for longer periods of time, whether it is for spiritual consolidation or a new beginning, or to learn more about the work of the organization.

Article 11
The organization defends economic freedom and self-determinaton. A contract between government and business is necessary for our society to develop successfully. The organization believes that the most progressive technology in all branches of science should be researched in democratic communities so that the knowledge obtained can be used to defend the community in the event of a threat.
The organization promotes a strong middle class economy.

Article 12
The organization recognizes families and partnerships as the heart of a healthy state. Their rights must be protected. Families and partnerships, or as a corollary, the home in a more specific sense, are refuges for individuals; places and values from which a healthy people can draw its strength. Home guarantees people their identity. This bond must be promoted in every respect, as it gives people the social security they need for a free, fulfilling life. A democratic culture becomes established only if problems are solved as a community and everyone participates and is included in the solutions.
As Jean Ziegler said: “Every collective identity is inevitably of local origin and is nourished by a unique experience. And the more local it is, the stronger it is.“

According to president Dr. Heinrich Lübke: “..A people grows poorer in their culture and looses its spiritual resiliency, if the love of home grows cold in its tribes and clans... the home is a major force field for each individual. It tirelessly and  incorruptibly guides the compass needle of our lives to the what is essential and genuine...The home joins the destiny of the individual and the family with the common destiny and tradition of the entire people.“
The organization stands behind the European Union, as long as it also strengthens the rights of the individual citizens. To paraphrase Hannah Arendt: “No one will ever be able to become a citizen of the world the same way he was a citizen within the borders of his own country.“ 

 Article 13
The organization supports the view that the state should have clearly defined structures that focus on the essentials. Only in this way is the citizen assured of the opportunity to realize his full potential. Pluralism is indispensable for a rich culture, it comes from the individual.  

Article 14
Criminal law still bears the mark of authoritarianism. The criminal law books need to be totally revised with the greater public involved. In particular, prosecution should not be the main idea, but rather restitution. Laws should promote cooperation, not oppress people. Crimes involving bodily harm and death are more serious than those involving riches and property.

Justice must come from individuals and therefore laws must be understandable to everyone. This is only possible when the common man has a part in their making.
Many people are falsely condemned through unjust laws or wrongly sentenced. Amends must be made to these people, and such injustices must be prevented in the future by reforms. 
Laws must protect body and life, the present focus of laws to protect property need to be put into perspective. It must not be the state’s job to place protection of property over the safety of its citizens.

Article 15
The organization champions fair taxation. It fights against unfair competition as the root of all evil in the business sector.

Article 16
The family structure should provide the cement that holds generations together. Many problems such as watching children and care of the elderly, could thus be considerably alleviated. However, we cannot simply dispense with the wisdom of the elderly. It must be preserved and passed on to future generations. This is only possible, however, if the elderly remain part of the daily life of the family.  They can undertake many tasks for the family and society and thus contribute to stable family relationships and directly to increased security in general. 

Article 17
Additionally, many public tasks can be assumed by citizens as community efforts.  The work input of a citizen should contain several elements, such as responsibility for public projects, along with his/her profession. People must accept the idea that the state is their enterprise and that they must take care of it, each according to his/her individual abilities.

Article 18
Communication and traffic are society’s tasks and a monopoly that guarantees the free development of society. Their use must not be dependent on the economic conditions of the individual. Communication and traffic must be in the hands of public and not private interests.

Article 19
The organization sees itself as an umbrella organization encompassing all regional organizations. The regional organizations must be licensed by the umbrella organization. 

Article 20
The goals of the organization are freedom, justice, equality and human dignity. It keeps the memory of the great fight of our ancestors and continues this fight with peaceful means. It promotes enlightenment and education.

Article 21
The organization is an independent legal entity.

Article 22
The essence of this organization is its members. Its members are recruited from all levels of the population and the organization strives for strong ties with the entire population.

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